How to quickly get rid of sore throat

Bacteria and viruses that cause mucous membranes cause sore throats. Allergens, ordinary dust and tobacco smoke are capable of provoking an unpleasant symptom. The choice of means of tickling depends on the cause of discomfort. Lollipops and antiseptic syrups help with inflammation. Allergies are treated with antihistamine lozenges and solutions that remove mucosal edema, tearing and other symptoms.

 How to get rid of sore throat

Tart candy

Candies with antibacterial properties are made from eucalyptus. 5 g of crushed leaves are poured into a cup and 100 ml of boiling water and 1 tsp are added. mint. Insist base for candy 30 minutes. In the filtered drink pour 1.5 tbsp. l Sahara. Syrup is sent to a slow fire and constantly stir with a wooden spoon, so that the workpiece does not stick to the walls of the dish.

In a thickened mass pour 40 ml of lemon juice and put 1 tsp. ground ginger root. Can be replaced with dried powder.The base for the candies is boiled for 10–15 minutes, then 5 g of the syrup is poured into a glass of cold water. If the preform hardens, remove the pan with a mint-ginger mass from the stove.

The ice cube is smeared with olive or linseed oil. Pour the lollipops into the prepared container. In each candy is added before frosting a drop of honey. Hardened sweets are removed and absorbed 4-6 times a day until the tickle disappears. Ready lozenges stored in foil packaging. Lollipops are wrapped in 2-3 layers of cling film so that they do not stick together.

Angina and discomfort in the throat are treated with karkade and lemon candies:

  1. Prepare a strong tea from the petals of a Sudanese rose. Measure out 150 ml.
  2. In a hot drink, add 30 g of turmeric, a sprig of mint and 1 tbsp. l eucalyptus.
  3. The filtered liquid base is filled with 300 g of sugar.
  4. Tea boil. Remove the thick mass from the stove and add 20 ml of honey.
  5. Quickly stirred and poured into ice molds, lubricated with vegetable or butter.

Frozen sweets are poured with powder to prevent candies from sticking together and stored in a glass jar. Used for sore throat and other symptoms of angina.

Herbal candies are made from 30 g sage and the same amount of thyme. Raw materials brew 100-150 ml of boiling water. 1.5 glasses of sugar are introduced into the present drink and the mass is sent to a slow fire. The syrup is stirred so that the crystals of the sweetener are not burnt and do not stick to the walls of the pan. A thick paste of brownish hue is poured into holes in granulated sugar or silicone molds.

Essential oils with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect are added to the candies. You can use bergamot, basil, nutmeg, juniper, peppermint, rosemary, grapefruit, chamomile and sandalwood. Suitable oil of cloves, violets, ylang-ylang, patchouli, myrtle and tea tree. For 150 - 200 ml of syrup take 3-4 drops of the ether component. The additive enhances the antimicrobial properties of candies and makes their flavor more saturated.


The sensation of dryness and burning during mucosal inflammation is removed by onions. Cut 2-3 medium vegetables, mixed with a glass of oil. The billet is poured onto a red-hot frying pan. The bulbs are fried until golden brown.Oil is cooled and filtered, rinsed with throat and mouth cavity 4 times a day.

They help with inhaling In hot water dissolve 2–3 tbsp. l sea ​​salt, 5 drops of lavender essential oil or clove. The medicine is poured into the porcelain kettle. Spout covered with a cone of paper. Newspaper or magazine will not work, lead in printing ink. The substance is deposited on the lungs, causing intoxication. Essential vapors are inhaled by mouth. Before the procedure, measure the temperature of the water. It should be 40-50 degrees, so that the steam does not burn the nasopharyngeal mucosa.

Tickling disappears due to inhalations with melissa and mint. Mix 30 g of herbs, steamed a cup of boiling water. Leave for 20 minutes in the kettle, and then inhale the vapor. You can add in a herbal extract of 10 drops of eucalyptus or menthol essential oil.

In the teapot pour 100 ml of water, heated to 60 degrees. In a liquid base dissolve 5 tsp. honey Insist 5 minutes, inhale the vapor through the nozzle. You can not pour into the kettle too much water so that it does not leak during inhalation and does not fall into the bronchi. Honey treatments soothe the inflamed mucosa and destroy the bacteria that live in the throat and cause tickling.

Dryness and burning, caused by allergies, is removed with mineral water.A carbonated drink is heated in a water bath and inhaled through the mouth, like other solutions. Help and salt inhalation. On a glass of liquid 1-2 tbsp. l spice. Salt is also replaced by soda. The proportions are reduced to 1 tsp, add soothing essential oils, if the components are not allergic. Salt and soda procedures moisten the larynx mucosa, remove inflammation and relieve swelling.

Rinse solutions

Tickle is removed with garlic. Spicy vegetable contains volatile and antibacterial components that even cope with angina. The cleaned clove is cut in half and absorbed like a regular candy for 10–15 minutes. Unpleasant smell cleaned with a sprig of dill or asterisk cloves. Spice secretes essential oils that have soothing properties. They help with inflammation and eliminate discomfort. Cloves dissolve, and then chew. Residues can be swallowed. Spice can not be replaced with clove oil, it causes indigestion and intestinal upset.

 Mouthwash solutions

Throat when rinsing rinse with peroxide. In a cup of warm water pour the cap of an antibacterial drug.Peroxide is replaced by propolis alcohol tincture. A glass of liquid base and 3 drops of solution. Rinse 4-6 times a day.

If you have a sore throat and your voice disappears, save the beets. A glass of red root juice mixed with 1 tbsp. l apple cider vinegar, you can dilute the workpiece with boiled water. Gargle four times a day. Inside take a mixture of beet and carrot juices. Drinks are taken in equal proportions, filled with honey. Drink small sips after a meal of 150-200 ml.

Herbal teas help:

  • mint;
  • pharmacy chamomile;
  • raspberry twigs and leaves;
  • Linden inflorescences;
  • sage;
  • forest mallow.

In a saucepan, 30 g of raw material and 250–300 ml of water are mixed. Heat to steam, do not bring to a boil. Half an hour insist, filter. A pinch of soda or salt is added to the broth, some essential oils. Means to rinse the throat at least three times a day until the unpleasant symptom disappears.

Turmeric is mixed in equal proportions with salt. Measure 40–50 g of powder and pour boiling water into a glass. Cool to 37-40 degrees, filter through gauze. The tissue retains salt crystals, which are not dissolved, and particles of turmeric.Spice medicine is used for gargling, you can flush your nose to stop a sore throat and a cold.

In allergic cases, a mixture of salt and soda is used. 1 tsp. each component per cup of distilled water. The composition washes away mucus, making breathing easier, helps with swelling and burning, moisturizes and removes the feeling of dryness.

Means for oral administration

Soreness caused by a cold or viruses is soothed with cherries and blackcurrant juices. Drinks are warmed to room temperature, honey is added and fruit medicine is drunk in small sips before bedtime.

Discomfort symptoms remove a banana. The pulp is shifted with a fork. The resulting slurry is mixed with 2 tsp. cocoa powder. The blank is brewed with a glass of boiled milk. In a drink, cooled to 50 degrees, injected 30 ml of honey. Banana cocktail drink before bedtime and breakfast. Fruit medicine is taken on an empty stomach. Tickling disappears after 2 sessions along with the rest of cold symptoms.

Instead of candy, you can dissolve lemon slices. Citrus is cut into thin pieces, put in a jar and poured with sugar.Sweet slices are held in the mouth until they lose their taste. Lemons used are chewed and swallowed or discarded.

At the first symptoms of a cold, you need to peel 1 garlic clove, chop and mix with 100 g of linden honey. Put the mass in a water bath, simmer for half an hour, not boiling. Garlic honey is taken three times a day for 1 tsp. on a full stomach, tea or water do not drink.

Antiviral properties has licorice root. Mix 200 g of raw materials with 1 tbsp. l cinnamon powder and 100 g of chamomile flowers. Collection of tins stored in a glass jar, hidden from direct sunlight. A drink from sore throats and colds is prepared from 90 g of plants and 2 cups of water. The medicine is boiled over low heat. Filter through a tea strainer and drink with honey and a slice of ginger or lemon.

Perish is dulled by cayenne pepper. In a glass of boiling water dissolve 5 g of spicy spices and 30 ml of linden honey. Spiced drink is cooled to 28–35 degrees. Drink 100 ml of pepper medication in small sips. The tool is used after a meal. The method is not suitable if a person has heartburn or problems with the digestive tract.

Inside at pershcheniye accept solution of apple vinegar. 1 st. l Dietary supplement and honey are poured into a glass of warm water. Drink on an empty stomach, breakfast in 50-60 minutes.People with gastritis and ulcers are advised to gargle with apple cider vinegar, but do not take orally.


If the tickle appeared in the evening, you can prepare a medicinal punch. The drink relaxes, destroys bacteria and soothes the inflamed mucosa.

In a large mug poured 50 grams of brandy. Add 30–50 g of honey. In alcohol, immerse a spoon and pour boiling water on an iron handle. It will take 130 ml of water, which is introduced into cognac in a thin stream. The workpiece is stirred until the honey is dissolved, 1 tsp is added. lemon juice. A mug of punch is decorated with a piece of yellow citrus and sipped before bedtime. In the morning there will be no soreness, no headache, no other cold symptoms.

From bad discomfort in the throat take badger fat. Mix 60 ml of melted component and lemon juice. Add 120 g of linden honey. Mass eaten three times a day. Take on 1 tsp. drugs from badger fat can be added to tea.

It relieves from tickling freshly squeezed black radish juice. In a glass of milk dissolve 100 ml of the component. Medication is charged with honey, only 2-3 tbsp. l., and warmed before use. Drink 90 ml of milk mixture three times a day.Radish medication taken after meals.

Dry throat moistened with ginger tea. A slice of fresh root 0.5–1 cm thick is cut and brewed with boiling water. Insist, filled with cinnamon and honey, drink in small sips. Ginger can be eaten to warm the mucous membrane and disinfect the throat.

Tickling caused by bacteria, clean pastilles and broths. In case of allergies, the throat is rinsed with saline solutions or inhaled with mineral water. If the symptom does not go away or the state of health worsens, you need to consult a doctor and find out the cause of the discomfort.

Video: what to do if you have a sore throat

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It is necessary to immediately begin treatment at the first symptoms of a sore throat.When I sore throat, I dissolve the Isla Mint lozenges. They moisturize the mucosa and relieve inflammation. This treatment helped me get rid of laryngitis.

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