How to get rid of kidney stones folk remedies

Urolithiasis is the result of impaired metabolism, a chronic inflammatory process in the kidneys and malnutrition. Toxins and crystals of phosphorus, oxalic acid or calcium accumulate in the body. They settle in the kidneys and are gradually mineralized, turning into stones of different diameters. Herbs and folk remedies treat urolithiasis, but only at the initial stage. Running cases should be operated on.

 How to get rid of kidney stones

Types of stones

Choose homeopathic remedies should be in conjunction with the urologist. The specialist will determine the sizes and types of stones:

  • oxalates;
  • carbonate;
  • phosphate;
  • urate

Education before removal from the kidneys soften and try to smooth the sharp corners, so they do not injure the ureters.When oxalates are contraindicated tomatoes and citrus fruits, beets and carrots, as well as folk recipes based on these products. Urats are formed due to the abuse of meat and sausage, eggs and flour dishes. Patients are recommended food that creates an alkaline environment in the body. Phosphates dissolve lingonberry or cranberry juice. When carbonate should refrain from foods rich in calcium.

After homeopathic preparations that soften the stones, diuretic decoctions are prescribed. Patients should drink a day at least 1.5 liters of herbal tea and water. The release of stones is accompanied by colic and uncomfortable sensations, so diuretics are supplemented with “No-spa” or other drugs that remove spasms.

Onions and Dried Fruits

Urolithiasis is treated with date stones. Buy 100–200 g of dried fruit, eat the flesh, and rinse and dry the middle center. Brewing a component with boiling water: 4–5 pips per glass of liquid. Wait until the water becomes light brown, divide the infusion into two parts. To drink one in the morning, and the second before going to bed. Take the broth through the day, the course should last 8-10 days.

Oxalates derive raisins, from which the bones are taken out, and in exchange, dried fruits are stuffed with black peppercorns. The tool is supplemented with diuretic herbal preparations. On the first day, eat one raisin and drink it with broth, on the second - two. Bring to 10 pieces, and then gradually reduce. It is treated for 20 days, after which it is necessary to do an ultrasound and check the condition of the kidneys.

To remove the stones, it is advised to prepare a syrup:

  • Kilogram of peeled onion chop to make gruel.
  • Pour billet sugar. It will take 400-500 g.
  • Mass bring to a boil, switch the stove to a minimum.
  • Onion paste to simmer 3 hours. Stir, otherwise it will burn.
  • From the cooled mass squeeze the syrup.

Onion remedy is divided into four parts. Syrup drink in small sips throughout the day. On this day one should refrain from any food and drink, even herbal decoctions. You can up to 500 ml of water, but not more.

Important: Before treatment, you should arrange a fasting day for cereals and vegetables. Onion remedy is contraindicated for people with an ulcer, can provoke heartburn and discomfort during gastritis.

Watermelon treatment

Watermelons are helpful for patients with sand in the kidneys:

 Watermelon with kidney stones

  1. In the summer to eat 500 g of fresh flesh, eating 2 slices of black bread. The berry, due to diuretic properties, washes away salt crystals.
  2. Bones do not throw away. Rinse, dry in the oven or in the sun and grind to a powder. Three times a day, eat 10–15 g of watermelon billet, drinking water or herbal decoction. Treatment lasts from 7 days to 3 weeks.
  3. Medicinal tea is also prepared from dried watermelon peels. Mix the component and water in equal amounts. Heat the crusts, but do not boil. Drink 100–150 ml of cold drink per day.

Watermelons can be replaced by melons, which activate the flow of urine and the elimination of stones. This method is not suitable for patients with diabetes mellitus and large mineral formations. Melons with watermelons are recommended to be used for the prevention of urolithiasis.

Potatoes, Apples and Carrots

Fresh sour and sweet apples are recommended for sand in the kidneys. Fruits wash away salt deposits, preventing the formation of stones. Useful and apple peel, which is dried, fray and brew powder with boiling water. A glass of infusion is divided into small portions and drunk 3-4 times a day. After a month of apple treatment, colic and well-being passis improving.

Good results and gives carrots. To dissolve kidney stones, you should make a decoction of a vegetable:

  • Grate 2 kg of peeled carrots on a fine grater.
  • Pour into a saucepan with 1 kg of raisins.
  • Connect with 3 liters of water and turn on slow fire.
  • Carrot mass to simmer 3 hours.
  • Strain and thoroughly squeeze out the remnants of broth from the meal.

Carrot drink is drunk in the morning after or before breakfast. During the day, use 50 ml of medication. When the tool is over, take a break.

Carrot seeds can handle kidney stones. Tablespoon with a slide pour hot water, insist in a thermos, wrapping it in a towel. After 12 hours, strain and divide into 6 servings that you need to drink per day.

Stones with a diameter of up to 0.5 mm will bring out the potato broth. To prepare a therapeutic drink, wash and boil 6-7 medium tubers. The water that remains after the potatoes, drain into a separate container and drink 100–150 ml daily. After 3 weeks of therapy, take a break. Repeat if symptoms of urolithiasis appear.

Renal colic will be removed by crushed potato in uniforms, which is applied to the back after a hot bath. Compress should be warm.Hold for 10–20 minutes, if the pain intensifies, immediately remove.

Citruses and juices from urolithiasis

Patients with a healthy stomach recommend lemon juice, which is diluted with water in a ratio of 2 to 1. Drink consumed 4 times a day, always after meals. If the juice gets into an empty stomach, it will provoke heartburn and inflammation of the mucous membrane. In the lemon drink also add 20-30 ml of olive oil, which facilitates the release of sand and salt.

 Lemon juice from kidney stones

Alleviate the symptoms of kidney stones with natural juices from:

  • cucumbers;
  • beets;
  • cranberries;
  • black radish;
  • white and black grapes;
  • pumpkins;
  • carrots.

Drink only fresh juices 2, maximum 3 cups per day. Vegetable and berry drinks can not be stored for a long time, it is better to cook a few minutes before consumption.

Herbal Fees

Medicinal plants or homeopathic remedies can be added with decoctions of medicinal plants. Herbs soothe renal colic and have diuretic properties, wash out sand and small stones.

In the same amount should be mixed:

  • Birch buds;
  • sagebrush;
  • onion peel;
  • goldenrod;
  • horsetail.

Pour the billet into a coffee grinder and grind into powder.A single portion of the funds prepared from 2 tbsp. l herbal mixture and a cup of water. For 10-15 minutes, put the drink in a water bath. Drink without sugar and honey.

Similar properties have:

  • bearberry;
  • parsley root;
  • a succession;
  • St. John's wort;
  • strawberry leaves;
  • sage.

At 20-30 g of each component mix, chop and brew with boiling water. Put in a water bath. Water infusion to drink twice a day.

Urolithiasis has long been treated with corn stigmas. The hairs are removed from the young or mature cobs, dried in the sun, and then 1-2-2 pinches of the plant are brewed with 250 ml of boiling water. Insist in a glass jar wrapped in a scarf, or in a thermos.

 Corn stigmas from kidney stones

The pain will reduce the pods of beans. Remove the beans from the workpiece, rinse it under the tap and cook for 5–6 hours on low heat. Per 100 g of fresh pods 300-400 ml of water. To drink the received means in any quantity, until the discomfortable sensations disappear.

Herbal preparations are universal and for removing a certain type of stones. For example, when oxalate recommend drinking broths from:

  • corn stigmas;
  • bearberry leaves;
  • highlander bird;
  • gryzhnika.

On a cup of boiling water a tablespoon with a slide. Steamed, infused and drunk.Another composition is effective:

  • flowers of cornflowers;
  • peppermint;
  • Burda;
  • bearberry;
  • wintergreen.

A pinch of each plant and 250-300 ml of hot water. Bring to a boil in a water bath. Set aside a drink for 2 hours, so that the herbs give healthy ingredients to the water. Drink 100 ml of the drug three times a day.

Mixtures of birch leaves with a root leaf, corn stigmas, dried fruits of a juniper, and also a burdock root with a snake highlander will cope with phosphate formations. Useful infusion, which should be put on a pinch of dandelion root and larkspur. Add bird mountaineer, violet flowers and fill with hunter.

A tablespoon of any mixture insist in a glass of boiling water for 30–60 minutes. Drink 200-250 ml of herbal drink three times a day.

Uratny stones will lead:

  • knotweed;
  • parsley root;
  • kidney tea grass;
  • lingonberry and strawberry leaves;
  • tansy flowers.
  • 4 tsp. herbal mixture on a half-liter jar of water.
  • Effective medicinal tea is obtained from:
  • flowers of black elderberry;
  • ashberry;
  • burdock root;
  • horsetail.

2 tsp. crushed plants to combine, brew 30–40 g of the product in 250 ml of boiling water. Drink after 40-50 minutes.When kidney stones useful tea from the hips, root and flowers of Althea, sage and young pine shoots.

You can bite herbal broth with a piece of refined sugar, which is soaked with 2-3 drops of fir oil. Tea from fresh blackcurrant, berries of a cranberry and fruits of a quince, and also kernels from plum stones is useful.

Parsley and honey

 Parsley and honey from kidney stones

  1. Large celery root cleaned and finely grated.
  2. Mix with 1 kg of parsley. Use both greens and plant root.
  3. Pour into the container with the ingredients 1 l of filtered water.
  4. Put 1 kg of honey. Put the billet on a slow fire and wait until it boils.
  5. When the roots are soft, remove and cool.
  6. Pour another 1 liter of water, boil.
  7. To filter the cooled mix and throw out cake.
  8. Use 100 ml of medication for half an hour before breakfast and lunch.

Chicken ventricles from kidney stones

The tool consists of three components:

  • crushed flax seeds - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • dried bird knotweed - 60 g;
  • film taken from the chicken ventricles - a glass.

The medical cover is from the inside. It is carefully separated from the muscles, washed and dried.It remains to combine the film with the seeds and grass and grind the ingredients in a coffee grinder. Treatment consists of 3 stages.

The first 10 days should be eaten in 10 g of powder 30–40 minutes before lunch, breakfast and dinner. Wash down the product with warm water, you can add a little honey. Take a ten-day break and proceed to the second stage. A similar amount of powder consumed twice a day on an empty stomach. Another break and the last 10 days of purification. Now take the powder only in the morning before breakfast, washing it down with warm unsweetened water.

It will take 3 courses, between them make a two-week break.

Folk remedies can cure urolithiasis, provided that the diameter of the formations does not exceed 0.5 mm, a maximum of 1 cm. Large stones should be removed only surgically, and after following the recommendations of the doctor to prevent recurrence of the disease.

Video: how to get kidney stones with raisins

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