How to cure prostatitis in men folk remedies

Prostatitis is a male disease characterized by inflammation of the prostate gland, as a result of which a person experiences pain in the genitals and lower back, problems with urination. The urination is painful and frequent, and sexual functions are impaired.

 Treatment of prostatitis

Among the possible causes of this disease is the penetration of sexually transmitted and pathogenic infections that cause inflammation of the prostate. This is the most common cause, but there may be others. The disease can also occur due to impaired blood circulation, sedentary lifestyle, prolonged abstinence from sexual contact and hypothermia.

Many men faced with prostatitis are embarrassed to go to the doctor with this problem. Fortunately, traditional medicine can offer various means of prostatitis.Her experience gained over the years still finds its application, despite the rapid development of medicine. Lovers of folk remedies claim that human destiny is dictated by nature and no one has the right to interfere and change what is intended. Only nature, in their opinion, is able to heal a person and fill his body with fresh forces. What drugs have the properties to treat prostatitis?

Treatment of prostatitis with bee products

Bees, forever scurrying back and forth, hide in their hives a great treasure for the amateur to be treated with folk remedies. Products created by bees, especially propolis and pollen, are good medicines for prostatitis.

A good tool is the combination of flower pollen and nonfat kefir: pollen helps to restore tissue and strengthens the body, and kefir, in turn, enhances the effect of pollen and saturates the body with vitamins and minerals. This mixture is supposed to drink in the morning, at lunch and in the evening for 60 days. Propolis will help in the treatment of chronic prostatitis in men. It helps well in inflammation and elimination of muscle and vascular spasms.To prepare the drug, 40 grams of propolis is boiled in a glass of vodka, after which the resulting extract is mixed with cocoa butter in a ratio of 1 to 20. A thick sausage is made of the resulting mass, dried and inserted into the anus before going to bed for a month. The course of treatment is repeated after 5 weeks.

Yellow green zelenchuk in combination with floral honey and pine hallow is also a good cure for prostatitis. This mixture is made in the ratio of 3/2/1, moistened with vegetable oil and put in a water bath until an ointment is obtained. Every morning you need to rub the ointment in the pubic area and leave it for a few minutes. The treatment continues for three days with a one-day break, when instead of ointment you need to apply propolis to the pubis. This method is not very convenient, but extremely effective.

Treatment of prostatitis with vegetables

Many villagers grow pumpkin in garden plots, but not everyone knows that pumpkin seeds are also a good cure for prostatitis in men. In these seeds there is a lot of zinc, the lack of which can cause problems for men in the urogenital area. A handful of seeds eaten on an empty stomach will compensate for the lack of this trace element and will return the joy of life.You can grind fresh seeds and, mixed with honey, eat one ball of this mass 1-2 times a day on an empty stomach. The ball at the same time should not exceed the size of the plum.

 Onions from prostatitis

Even in ancient times, people realized that onions are the best cure for all diseases. They were treated with atherosclerosis, edema and catarrhal diseases, they were killed with helminths and relieved headache. Onion peeling was used for dyeing eggs and tissues and treating prostatitis. A decoction of onion peel favorably affects the body and, unlike medicines, is absolutely harmless. In addition to decoctions, still apply infusions of onion peels and compresses: they make the body more healthy, strong and, most importantly, reduce inflammation. To prepare the broth, the husk is filled with water, boiled for 5 minutes, infused for about an hour and filtered. The resulting decoction is taken three times a day for 1 tsp. on empty stomach.

You can also make a decoction, combining onion peel and another excellent tool - hazel. To do this, pour half a glass of hazel leaves and one glass of onion peel with water, put on the fire and boil for 7 minutes, then cool and take it three times a day before eating.If you constantly use onions and drink decoctions of the husk, the chances of recovery will increase significantly.

Even with severe pains, you can buy grape juice wine in the store and mix it with onions and honey in the ratio 6/3/1. The resulting mixture is placed in the cellar or any other dark place. However, we should not forget about it: the mixture needs constant stirring, and it is better to do this twice a day for those 10 days, while it will be infused. When prostatitis you need to drink half a glass of this mixture before meals 3 times a day.

Trees healers

If it is early spring outside, and outside the countryside, the patient can go into the forest and, finding aspen there, tear her bark. This is a good cure for chronic prostatitis. If the bark is dried, crushed and infused for two weeks on twice the vodka in volume, you get a good remedy for the treatment of prostatitis. The drug is drunk in the morning, afternoon and evening, dissolving 1 ml of tincture in 50 grams of water. If you could not find an aspen in the forest, you can go to the nearest reservoir and break off branches near the willow. Her lash hangs almost to the ground, and to find this tree is not difficult.To prepare the broth, you need literally several branches. They are broken into small pieces, filled with water and boiled for 8 minutes.

 Chestnut from prostatitis

Willow is also a good cure for prostatitis, it helps with a lot of problems in the urogenital system and strengthens the male body. Obtained after boiling willow decoction is divided into 4 parts and drink in one day. This medicine can not be stored, so when breaking off branches, you need to expect that this is enough for one day, and not for a week. The next day, you need to go for the branches again, and so on until the full recovery.

If a chestnut tree grows close to the patient's house, then it will also be able to help get rid of the disease. An enema made from a decoction of the needle shells of chestnuts is well suited for treatment. For alimentary medication you need to clean the seeds from the skin, grind them in a ratio of 1 tbsp. l 200 g boiling water, insist and boil until then, until there is 70 grams. You need to take the medicine for 30 drops in the morning, at lunch and in the evening on an empty stomach. The broth is best stored in a cold place and drink until then, until there is a period of improvement in the course of the disease.

Horse chestnut flowers come in a special floral infusion. This is a great remedy for prostatitis. The floral infusion includes flowers of sandy cumin and twice as much as the number of coltsfoot, clover and chestnut. The mixture is filled with water, insist overnight and drink in any quantity half an hour before meals.

Having rummaged in healers' references, you can find a bold statement that the best cure for prostatitis is an infusion of leaves or hazel bark. This water will have extraordinary healing properties, and if the patient starts to take 50 grams of this mixture 4 times a day, then she will be able to forget about prostatitis in a short time.

Healing herbs against prostatitis

Do not lag behind in therapeutic properties and various herbs. Many people are happy to add parsley as a seasoning to various dishes, but not everyone knows about its medicinal properties, that it is involved in eliminating the source of inflammation and treats disorders of the sexual sphere. Most often, for therapeutic purposes, the juice of this herb is used, drunk a few hours before meals. If the parsley seeds are still preserved, then you should not throw them away.Grinding into powder, they are poured with a glass of boiled water, they boil for 15 minutes and are consumed 5 times a day for 1 tbsp. l

 Healing herbs against prostatitis

Can be used as a medicine at first glance inconspicuous weed celandine. In combination with a poisonous hemlock, it creates an anti-inflammatory effect. To prepare the tincture take a tablespoon of a mixture of herbs in equal proportions, pour half a glass of alcohol and clean in a dark cool place for 10 days. The first day of the infusion is diluted in milk or water at the rate of 1 drop per glass. Gradually, 1 drop per day increases the amount of infusion in the mixture. After a month, they begin to reduce one drop at a time. And so on until inflammation of the prostate goes away.

If a person is dealing with a viral form of prostatitis, the chamomile tincture, burdock and hop cones will help him deal with it. All these ingredients are mixed together in the same ratio, and, boiling water, leave overnight. Chamomile helps with many diseases due to its chemical composition, but it can also be attributed to the group of anti-inflammatory drugs. In combination with blood-purifying and diuretic burdock and anesthetic hops, she becomes a wonderful doctor for prostatitis. The resulting tincture should be divided into three parts and drink 3 times a day.In the second week, the composition of the mixture is changed by adding hypericum, root and calendula to the hops. Hypericum is widely known for its tonic properties. Long since people consider him to be a cure for a hundred diseases, and far from being in vain: recent studies have revealed a high content of essential oils, vitamins, glycosides and other useful substances. The letter, like chamomile, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and calendula has a good effect on the kidneys and organs of the urogenital system.

What is always at hand

The most convenient and affordable remedy for prostatitis is a mixture of rye flour, honey and a liquid egg. They can be mixed in any proportion, but to obtain a thick consistency. Sausages are molded from the dough, frozen and then pushed into the anus for the night. These manipulations are repeated four weeks with a break of seven days.

It is important to determine the cause of the prostate, but since home diagnostics is impossible, to eliminate the disease, folk healers advise to reduce the amount of meat and fish consumed in food and increase the amount of fruits and vegetables in the diet.You can include juices of various berries, such as elderberry. The elderberry juice drunk in the morning will help remove uric acid that is stagnant in the muscles and heal the prostate.

Still useful would be the consumption of bacon and garlic in combination with the reception of the eggnog. This contributes to the normalization of potency and strengthens the urogenital system.

Small conclusion

Such are the drugs for prostatitis offers traditional medicine. Someone will listen, someone will wave, someone decides to use medications and spoil their health. But one thing is for sure: that which is ineffective is not kept and not used for centuries; if the records of these funds are still preserved, it means that they were useful, and the effect of drugs was curative.

But all this: both medical and popular treatment - should go first of all in combination with a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. To live a full life, a man must receive from the food the whole range of vitamins and minerals, lead a healthy lifestyle and have regular sex.

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