Quinoa - beneficial properties and contraindications

Quinoa (Átriplex) - a common plant, bother gardeners, has a lot of useful properties, about which the satiated people have forgotten.

 Useful properties and contraindications of quinoa

Historical facts

Peasants in Russia in times of famine were saved from death by processing the seeds of quinoa, and mixing the composition of coarse grinding with traditional flour. Bread baked from such components did not look attractive and torn to the throat, but there was no choice, and it allowed to survive.

Britain in the 6th century appreciated the healing properties of this plant, but only in the 17th quinoa began to be used in cooking. The Incans treated her respectfully, with respect.The French gave the name of the garden swan "pleasant woman", the Germans - "good Henry." In the writings of the Roman physician Galen described the ability of the weed to saturate the body.

The area is wide and unlimited. There is no place on earth where copies of quinoa would be found. Useful and used by people varieties grow mainly in Australia and the Northern states of America.

Types of quinoa

The plant is famous for its diversity of species, the main ones are:

  • Edible garden.
  • Tatarskaya.
  • Spreadable.
  • Coastal.
  • Small flowers.
  • Beautiful Carp.

Cleaning and stock quinoa

The herb has a healing substance. It is used in freshly collected form, and quinoa is dried. The collection of herbaceous parts produced in the flowering period. Freshly mowed grass laid out a thin layer under a canopy with good air circulation, without access to precipitation and sunlight. The crop of seeds after full ripening is dried in the same way. Observing the storage conditions, the medicinal substance in the form of hay is preserved for a year, and the fruits - 3 years.

The chemical composition of quinoa - what is its value?

  • Fat
  • Carbohydrates.
  • Amino acids.10 of the declared 17, which the body itself can not work out.
  • Cellulose.
  • Essential oils.
  • Retinol.
  • Vitamins of group B.
  • Ascorbic acid.
  • Tocopherol.
  • A nicotinic acid.
  • Trace elements
  • Oxalic acid.
  • Alkaloids.
  • Pectin.
  • Saponins.
  • Rutin

Squirrels. Amazing component of the plant. In content, it is able to compete with certain types of meat.

The healing properties of the plant

  1. Restorative. Responsible for the barrier function of the body.
  2. Sedatives. Have a soothing effect. Positively affect the state of the nervous system.
  3. Preventive. They help prevent a heart attack and take care of the cardiovascular system.
  4. Strengthening. Restore the elasticity of the vessel walls due to the presence in the composition of the routine.
  5. Improving the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Adjust intestinal motility, accelerate the process of food processing.
  6. Make up. The plant is able to saturate the body with useful substances. Valuable property in compliance with diets.
  7. Antioxidant. Removes quinoa toxins and harmful substances. Able to remove the symptoms of poisoning.
  8. LaxativesThe herb gently frees the intestines from stagnation (constipation). Thanks to the fiber can be called a natural brush for cleaning the body.
  9. Bronchodilator. Helps the plant with respiratory problems, colds.
  10. Antispasmodic properties. Effective swan with menstrual and headaches.
  11. Hemostatic.
  12. Antiseptic.
  13. Diuretic.
  14. Choleretic.
  15. Anti-inflammatory. Removes quinoa internal and external inflammation.
  16. Antibacterial properties. The plant is able to cope with the processes caused by infection in the organs.
  17. Expectorant. Thins, exfoliates and removes accumulations of mucus from the respiratory tract.

Use in alternative medicine

For therapeutic purposes, people have learned to use various dosage forms. Depending on the diagnosis, it is advisable to use a more convenient and efficient way:

  • Decoctions.
  • Tea
  • Infusions.
  • The juice.
  • Quinoa in steamed form.

Diseases for which quinoa is recommended

 Diseases for which quinoa is recommended

  1. The plant is universal. In addition to its rich nutritional properties, it can heal in case of kidney diseases, pulmonary pathologies, and diseases of the urinary system.
  2. A positive effect on the joints is noted, reduces inflammation.
  3. Relieves symptoms in arthritis, gout, rheumatism.
  4. Supports the work of the heart due to calcium in the composition.
  5. Restores blood vessels, gives them stamina and elasticity.
  6. It improves the work of the intestines and digestion in general.
  7. Caring for the oral cavity, reduces inflammation, heals wounds.
  8. Heals from acute viral, respiratory diseases, bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis. It is an excellent expectorant.
  9. It is recommended to use in the initial stages of diabetes and as an additive in the diet with diets.
  10. Good immunomodulator.

Contraindications to use

As experts say, quinoa is contraindicated in:

  • Cholecystitis.
  • Urolithiasis.
  • Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Tendency to bleed.
  • Problems with blood clotting.


Excessive use for medical purposes of seeds can provoke diarrhea, disrupt the work of the stomach, and induce vomiting. May give impetus to the formation of peptic ulcer.

Healers recipes: how to apply quinoa

 How to apply quinoa

  1. The juice. For its production use young green plants. Harvesting herbs is crushed using a meat grinder, wring out. Eat before each meal in a tablespoon three times a day. This healing substance is able to clean the intestines, improve peristalsis, remove helminths, cope with constipation. Applied externally in the form of lotions and applications for wound healing.
  2. Tea. A pinch of dried or freshly picked leaves is poured with boiling water (200). Insist 10 minutes, consumed with the addition of honey.
  3. Quinoa in steamed form. Able to relieve pain in rheumatism and edema. On the inflamed joints impose compresses. The duration of aging can be up to 8 hours (the period of night sleep).
  4. Infusion. The crushed leaves of the plant (1 tbsp. Spoon) pour boiling water (250 ml.), Insist two hours. Use sips (2-3), up to 3 times a day. Tincture has a sedative effect, relieve colic, relieve dry cough.
  5. Decoction. The dry composition of crushed stems and leaves cover with boiled water (100 ml.). They languish for 15 minutes on muffled fire. After preparation, the composition is passed through a sieve and brought to the original volume with boiling water. Take 1 tbsp.spoon three times a day with lesions of the mouth, gout, douche with female diseases, thrush.

Slavic secret of youth

  1. Quinoa has a beneficial effect on the skin of the face. This is a natural and effective recipe for beauty, proven for centuries. Without much effort, you can achieve a clear result. A handful of grass (approximate ratio), poured boiling water, wrapped in a warm blanket and insist half an hour. Recommended to wash invigorating, regenerating and tonic infusion, and you can prepare ice cubes to wipe the dermis. Also, given the bactericidal and antiseptic properties, it will get rid of lesions and clean the pores of toxins. It will help relieve fatigue accumulated on the skin during the day. The result will be noticeable in a month.
  2. Crushed, dry collection of herbs (1 tsp), pour the third part of a glass of boiling water (200 g), set aside to gain strength for 30 minutes. Filter and add milk. Moisten wipes and put on cleansed face. Hold for 20 minutes and wash off. To give density to the composition, you can add SOM or choose sour cream, yogurt, sour cream - this is the know-how of contemporaries who know a lot about healing skin care.

Interesting to know

Previously, quinoa was actively used in cooking.They baked bread from it, cooked cabbage, added to salads and scrambled eggs. Sponged seeds boiled in milk, replaced porridge.

The plant is a good supplier of perga and is of interest to bees and beekeepers.

Buying lawn grass, you can get on unscrupulous businessmen and become the owner of a bed of medicinal grass that does not have the attractiveness and aesthetic appearance. To get rid of weeds, it is necessary to expend a lot of strength and energy.

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