How to get the bedbugs out of the sofa: 10 ways

Bugs in the house - akin to a cataclysm. When they inhabit a home, it is very, very difficult to get rid of them. Many people mistakenly believe that bugs can only appear in dirty and unclean rooms. But it is not. The bug may crawl from the neighbors, appear in the house with some things on which the bugs were sitting. For example, you bought books, clothes, carpet, furniture, and especially a sofa from your hands. At the same time, you need to be extremely careful and carefully inspect the item of purchase before you bring it to your house. Buying a sofa from a warehouse is not dangerous, there insects have nothing to eat - there is nobody to bite.

 How to independently remove bedbugs from the sofa

Bedbugs can appear in the house due to travel. Immediately after a long trip, you need to wash all imported clothes, a backpack and a bag in a washing machine at high temperatures. If you spent the night in dubious hotels, the bedbug can get into your home by moving into the lining of a suitcase. Now you know how insidious and insistent these insects are.

Why do bed bugs live in a sofa?

In fact, bedbugs do not only live in sofas. They live everywhere - on carpets, curtains, under baseboards, in the corners. But a person most often notices bedbugs in his bed, which is why they are called bedding. The bug is an intelligent insect, it lives where it is warm and nourishing. The sofa satisfies all these needs. Bedbugs bite a person and remain in the folds of the sofa - they love crampiness and warmth. They do not go far, so that in the next attack of hunger they will again regale on human blood.

How to understand that in the sofa live bugs

Usually, a person understands that bugs live in a sofa rather late, when there are already a lot of them. One mature female and a pair of larvae that have fallen into your home can reproduce a whole colony of bugs in a few months. You can understand this by some signs.

  1. The first thing is the bites on the human body. Most often, the bites are found in the morning, as the bug usually goes on the hunt at night when the person is sleeping. When there are not so many bugs, these bites are often mistaken for mosquitoes. However, the bug bite can be distinguished. A bug at one meal bites a person several times and a path of small red dots forms on the body.
  2. Often the presence of fleas on the couch can be detected by the smell.These insects have a peculiar scent, a sensitive person smelling it at once.
  3. Faeces are another sign that there are bedbugs on the couch. If from time to time you find small black dots on the couch and on the floor that look like tiny pieces of dirt, then you should know that there are bedbugs excrement.
  4. Well, the most important sign of the presence of bugs is the bugs themselves. Raise the sofa, take a look at the lining, spread it. At the junction of the matter with a wooden frame, you can observe an unpleasant picture - bugs of all ages, larvae, feces, discarded shells. In general, the spectacle is not for the faint of heart.

If you are convinced that there are bugs in the sofa, you need to check the rest of the apartment. It rarely happens that only a sofa is infected. In the case of the settlement of bedbugs in all corners of the apartment requires careful pest control.

How to remove bedbugs from the sofa

If you are convinced that the bugs live only in the sofa, to some extent you are lucky. Because the sofa is mobile, it is easier to get bugs out of it than from an apartment. So, how to get rid of the bugs that have settled in the couch?

 How to remove bedbugs from the sofa

  1. The cheapest and easiest way to get rid of bedbugs is to catch them. Collect bedbugs need in a bottle, and then burn all individuals. However, this is extremely inefficient - they multiply very quickly, besides, you will not be able to find everyone.
  2. The sofa can also be vacuumed. Vacuum the corners and folds of the sofa thoroughly. For hard-to-reach places use special nozzles. Vacuum sofa should be from all sides, several times folding and unfolding it. After that, the bag of the dust collector should be immediately put into the bag, taken out into the street and thrown into the trash can, so that these creatures do not have time to spread out again.
  3. Bedbugs are sensitive to temperature extremes. They do not survive at low and high temperatures. This can be used. If the window is a harsh winter, it can help you completely get rid of bedbugs. Take the sofa outside if the air temperature is below 15 degrees below zero. The bugs will die within a few hours, but for reliability, leave the sofa to “freeze” for a day. After 7-10 days, when the frost-insensitive larvae hatch, the procedure should be repeated anew to destroy the already young generation of bugs.
  4. Bedbugs do not tolerate excessive heat. They die already at 50 degrees of heat. On the street, this heat we can not wait, so you can pour boiling water over the sofa. Bedbugs will not survive, if you do not leave them a single chance - pour boiling water over every corner. After that, the sofa will have to dry for a long time. And do not forget to wash the sofa covers and pillows at high temperatures.
  5. An excellent alternative to boiling water can be the treatment of the sofa with a steam generator. Of course you do not need to buy it - it is quite expensive. However, it can be borrowed from friends or rented. Do not forget to re-process when the young emerge from the larvae.
  6. In hardware stores, you can buy special tools that will help get rid of bedbugs. They are quite toxic and aggressive, so before the treatment process you need to protect yourself with glasses, a respiratory mask and gloves. Do not leave pets, children or the elderly in the apartment during the treatment. Ventilate the room thoroughly during and after treatment. Among the most effective and popular means can be distinguished Dichlofos, Raptor, Combat, Reid, Karbofos.
  7. When processing, it is very important to place the sofa in the center of the room, and leave adhesive tape around the perimeter. Bedbugs do not know how to fly, and when they run away from toxic fumes, they will simply stick to the tape.
  8. When processing the sofa by any means you should remember that special attention should be paid to linen boxes, especially if things are stored there. Also carefully handle all the folds and corners. Bedbugs also often settle on the back of the sofa.
  9. Get rid of bedbugs will help concentrated vinegar. Wear gloves and a respirator before the procedure. Carefully spray the sofa with vinegar through a spray bottle and leave for a few hours. Bedbugs do not tolerate such a smell. And for weathering the vinegar smell, you just need to leave the sofa in the open air for a day.
  10. Folk recipes for getting rid of bedbugs suggest that these insects can be expelled with turpentine. Yes, bedbugs, most likely, will not be able to live in the sofa treated with turpentine. However, the person there will be uncomfortable. So you can ruin a new sofa irrevocably.

In order for the bugs to no longer appear in your home, you need to be very careful and careful.After traveling, traveling or spending the night in doubtful places, you should carefully wash your clothes and bags. Do not buy furniture from your hands or inspect it carefully before purchasing. During repair, seal all possible cracks and holes through which bugs can get to you from your neighbors. If they have already settled in your house, and you cannot cope with them on your own, call disinsectors and perform a total cleaning. Only in this way can you protect and protect your home from uninvited and such vile guests.

Video: how to get rid of bedbugs

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