The benefits and harm of coconut chips for the body

Coconut is the fruit of the coconut tree, widely distributed in tropical climates. It is not known where this nut comes from. Now coconut palm trees grow on the warm coasts of all parts of the world. Some tropical people call these plants "tree of life", because their fruits are used without waste in various spheres of production. In Europe, the most famous product is coconut chips.

 The benefits and harms of coconut chips

How to get coconut chips

Coconut consists of its outer shell, fleshy layer (pulp) and coconut water or milk. Chips are produced by processing pulp. To do this, take a ripe fruit, divide it into parts and remove the fleshy layer.

The flesh is first crushed. There are three types of grinding:

  1. Rude. Particles are large and retain maximum properties of the whole nut.This is the best, but at the same time the most expensive option.
  2. Average. This is an intermediate option, it is we who most often see it on the shelves of stores.
  3. Small. Such chips are more like flour and have almost no taste, but they contain a lot of fat. It is cheaper than analogs, but not suitable for making desserts.

After grinding, the pulp is dried until it completely loses moisture and hardens. The finished chip is passed through a sieve several times to select large, small and medium particles. Then packed, packaged and sent to different parts of the world. The largest exporters of coke chips are the Philippines, Indonesia and Malaysia.

Cooking chips at home

This product can be prepared without much effort in your own kitchen. This is the only way to be sure that the chips are of high quality, fresh and tasty. The cooking process consists of the following steps:

  1. Choosing the right nut. This is a very important point. The quality of the pulp depends on the taste and juiciness of the chips. The size of the fetus to be chosen should depend on how much chips are needed.Better to buy coconuts from October to December. At this time, they just ripen. Walnut should not have cracks, dents, diaper rash or other damage. The heavier the fruit, the better. Heavy coconuts contain more water and they taste better. Water should be clear, yellowish or whitish. An unpleasant smell or a color other than the norm is a sign of spoiled coconut.
  2. Cutting coconut. The process is simple, but very unusual for our latitudes. First you should get rid of coconut milk. To do this, find the black dots on its surface and pierce them with something sharp, turn the punctures down and wait for the nut to be emptied. Then chop it with milk and carefully remove all the white flesh.
  3. Shredding. For this stage, you will need a regular grater. It is better to choose a surface with large holes. In the process of rubbing, there are no features.
  4. Drying. The crushed pulp must be spread out on a flat surface with a thin layer and put in a dry warm place. At the same time it is necessary to avoid direct sunshine, otherwise the chips will be very dry.
  5. Screening. This step is optional.If the chips are of the same shape and size, for example, for decorating pastries, it can be passed through a sieve.
  6. Storage. You can store the finished product in a dry and cool place, without odors, in a sealed bag of not more than one year.

If desired, you can add vanillin, cinnamon or other spices to the finished chips, give it the desired color with food dyes.

Coconut Chips

An interesting fact is that the chips, cooked in the right way, retains all the beneficial properties of the pulp itself. The benefits of this product are as follows:

 Coconut Chips

  1. Improvement of the digestive tract. According to traditional medicine, diarrhea and vomiting can be cured with coconut shavings.
  2. Strengthening immunity. Coconut contains a large amount of vitamin C, which reduces cell permeability to viruses. With it you can prevent the development of a cold.
  3. Anthelmintic action. It is not completely clear how the chip removes parasites from the body, but this method of dealing with them has been popular for more than one century.
  4. Protection against atherosclerosis. Coconut is high in fat, but not cholesterol.The lipids contained in this product force out those that cause atherosclerosis from the body.
  5. Stimulates the central nervous system. This happens both due to the aroma and taste of the product, and due to the substances contained in it. Coconut shakes improves mood, improves memory, promotes concentration, reduces fatigue.
  6. Cancer prevention. There are many antioxidants in coconut such as ascorbic acid and tocopherol. They eliminate under-oxidized products and active oxygen, which reduces the risk of developing malignant tumors.

It is necessary to mention that coconut chips, in addition to their beneficial properties, still have a specific taste. She likes both adults and children, gives dishes a special tropical color.

Coconut Chip Harm

This product is not dangerous, does not contain relatively toxic substances, does not cause dependence. You can use it without restrictions for people of any age. However, it should be borne in mind that coconut, like any other plant product, can cause allergic reactions.

Since in our latitudes coconut is not a familiar food, the occurrence of hypersensitivity to it occurs quite often. In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, in the event of an allergic reaction, it is necessary to stop using coconut chips, even in minimal quantities.

In addition, this product is very high in calories. 100g chips contain about 590kkal. This is quite a high number if a dieter uses the chips. However, there is good news: 100g of coconut chips is quite a lot. In such quantities, it is not used.

Thus, we can conclude that coconut chips are an exotic, but very tasty and healthy product. It can be made in the store or at home by yourself. The only thing worth remembering is that coconut can cause an allergic reaction and is a fairly high-calorie product.

Video: How to make coconut oil, milk and chips from 1 coconut

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