Egg white - the benefits and harm to health

Practically each of us loves to eat eggs for breakfast. We cook, fry them, make omelet and other dishes. We need them for baking and for making salads. But for someone, the use of this product is beneficial, but it may be harmful for someone.

 The benefits and harm of egg white

Edible are eggs of any birds. But chicken eggs are still the most common, so you can call them one of the most popular foods, which they eat in almost all countries of the world. Consider what composition has egg white, what benefits does it bring to our body, and what harm can it do?

Egg Protein Feature

Chicken eggs can be called a product with a low calorie content among other animal products. One egg weighs about 55-60 g. At the same time, for every 100 g of eggs there are 155 kcal. The main caloric content is in the fat yolk of the egg, while protein is its dietary part. Its calorie content is much less.Chicken egg protein contains water in the amount of 85% of the total mass. The rest is organic matter. Of the total egg white, 10% are proteins. These are ovalbumin, ovomucin and some others.

Fat in egg protein is extremely small. Their share in this part of the egg is only a third of a percent.

Carbohydrate - 0.75. Such a low content of these components allows the egg white to be rightly called a dietary product, so nutritionists advise people who are seeking weight loss to eat an egg without a yolk. This is a great way to get lots of nutrients without harming your body.

The cuisine of each country has its own recipes for cooking eggs, in which they can be both the main component of the dish and the auxiliary one. They are eaten boiled or fried. Some even prepare dishes from baked or marinated eggs. Many believe that the use of raw eggs is most useful. It all depends on the individual taste. They are also a necessary component of baking, they are added when cooking cutlets, salads, used as a filling for pies. Therefore, it is very important to know which trace elements are part of this product.What is its benefit and what harm to the human body.

The protein contains a number of elements necessary for the human body, such as amino acids and various minerals. Therefore, they must be included in the daily diet.

The benefits of egg white

Consider what is contained in chicken eggs, and how they benefit us.

  1. Protein has a beneficial effect on the body, cleansing it. Scientific studies have shown that regular consumption of egg protein leads to a significant decrease in the amount of harmful cholesterol in the blood, causing serious heart and vascular diseases. Therefore, proteins are very useful for the prevention of these diseases.
  2. The advantage of protein is not only in its low calorie content, but also in its high content of protein. This enzyme is necessary for the successful production of energy in the cells of the body.
  3. In addition, it contains almost all the amino acids that play a crucial role in many processes occurring in the body. This includes mental activity of the brain, and the restoration of cells, and the improvement of connective tissue.
  4. The egg protein contains a complex of B vitamins, as well as vitamins E and D.

Egg white in cosmetology

 Egg white in cosmetology
This product is useful not only for its use in food. Exterior application can also bring many benefits. Beauticians advise to use it for oily skin care. It contributes to its drying and normalizes the sebaceous glands. Perfectly it is suitable for combination skin.

The mask of this component is very easy to prepare and is suitable for frequent use. To prepare such a mask, you only need to carefully beat the protein and cool it. This mask is applied in three layers. First, use a brush to apply the first one, which should be slightly dry. Similarly, the second and third layers are applied. Rinse off with warm water after 15 minutes.

Also, chicken egg protein is often used in hair care. To accelerate the growth of hair and provide them with intensive nutrition, you can prepare such a simple mask. Take 3 tablespoons of yogurt or another fermented milk product, combine with the protein of one chicken egg. Means is applied on hair for 25 minutes, having distributed it on all length. Women who used this recipe regularly claim that their hair becomes silky, their structure improves significantly.This method is not only effective, but also available to every woman who wants to maintain her beauty without special expenses and visiting salons.

Can egg white be harmful?

Many people believe that eating eggs and dishes from them every day can be harmful. The only justified concern about this is cholesterol content. But this element is only in the yolk of the egg. There is practically no protein in it. If per 100 g of cholesterol yolk accounts for about 250 mg, then its amount in the protein approaches zero. If you have a tendency to be overweight, and high cholesterol is found in the blood, then to prevent the formation of plaques on the vessels, it is enough to exclude the yolk from the diet. It is not necessary to give up eggs completely.

If your body does not tolerate protein, then the use of eggs should also be abandoned. This is practically the only harm that can bring this valuable product. Yolk allergy is much less common. If a person is allergic to protein, then most likely he will not be able to tolerate chicken meat. This relationship is observed in 60% of cases.

If you suffer from this allergy, do not forget that they are present in many dishes. This baking, and salads, and some pastries.

Video: Is it possible to drink raw eggs for muscle growth

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