Can sesame when breastfeeding?

Sesame is considered a useful product that has a beneficial effect on the human body. In ancient times, sesame was known as an effective drug to eliminate many diseases. Due to the many positive qualities of this herbaceous plant, it is allowed to be consumed by nursing mothers. Also, women can enter into the diet squeeze from sesame seeds - it is a product in the form of oil. However, one should not forget some rules of its use during breastfeeding of the child.

 Breastfeeding sesame

What is the use of sesame, and what is its composition?

  1. The plant contains many useful minerals, beneficial acids and vitamins (A, C, B, PP). Vitamin PP groups play a key role in the formation of amino acids, which has a beneficial effect on human activity. Therefore, the plant is considered essential for the health of the mother and her baby during the breastfeeding period.
  2. The composition of sesame is an important substance - niacin. This vitamin helps to normalize cholesterol and naturally removes it from the blood. With the help of sesame, you can reduce the number of harmful deposits, improve the condition of blood vessels and the heart.
  3. Nicotinic acid contained in the seed helps to effectively digest food and burn fat. It is thanks to the miraculous properties of sesame, fat does not accumulate under the skin, but is converted into the necessary energy.

It is known that sesame oil extract helps a new mother to fight against many diseases:

  • sesame helps to restore the body after a long illness;
  • a positive effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • helps get rid of joint pain;
  • removes parasites from the intestines;
  • normalizes the work of metabolic processes in the body.

Is it possible to eat during the period of GW? Opinion of experts

If you use sesame only in moderate quantities, then the female body will be able to obtain a sufficient amount of important elements for health: magnesium, calcium, zinc, copper, manganese and iron.

Sesame seeds contain large amounts of calcium, which is easily absorbed by the body. It is because of these favorable properties of the herb and is considered useful for the full development of the baby and the health of the mother during the breastfeeding period.

However, despite all the useful qualities of this product, the newly-made mother should not abuse them much. If you eat seeds in large quantities, then its pungent smell can affect the taste of milk. Sesame also affects the calorie content of breast milk.

Breastfeeding sesame

During the nine months of pregnancy, the female body loses a lot of useful calcium. Because of this, young mother feels problems with the health of the body: teeth crumble, bones crackle, hair becomes weak. To prevent tooth loss or the development of such a disease as osteoporosis, you should replenish the amount of calcium in the body. Experts advise women in labor to introduce into your diet products that contain this element. Among them can be distinguished sesame seeds.

 Breastfeeding sesame

If a nursing mother decides to add sesame to her diet,then her body can naturally receive healthy calcium. This trace element will help your baby’s body to grow and develop. To obtain the required amount of nutrients, it will be enough to eat one teaspoon of sesame seeds during the day. The result from the use of seeds, as experts assure, can be seen a month later. The condition of the teeth, skin and hair will significantly improve.

Nutritionists recommend eating sesame seeds to nursing mothers in order to increase the energy value of breast milk. If a woman during breastfeeding has a bad lactation, the milk flow can be increased precisely due to sesame. In addition, the plant has an effective anti-inflammatory effect, helps fight some diseases of the mammary glands.

The seeds of the plant help to improve the work of immunity, help to replenish the important components for the life of the whole body of a woman. And the minerals and vitamins contained in sesame help to improve the functioning of the internal organs. Seeds remove toxic substances from the body, contribute to the improvement of the heart and blood vessels.

Also in the postpartum period, many mothers have difficulty with the work of the intestine. To eliminate problems with the chair, women in labor should use sesame. The fact is that the components contained in the seeds are natural laxatives. By the way, sesame is also widely used today to lighten skin from age spots, which appear after birth on the body of many women.

Fact! Sesame is very valuable for the health of the mother and her newborn baby during lactation. It helps to fill her body with missing vitamins and trace elements. Therefore, moms who are breastfed, be sure to add sesame seeds to your diet.

Even a small amount of seeds can increase the calorie content and quality of mother's milk. Use sesame better in small portions. Overeating it is not worth it, since an overabundance of the product will not bring anything useful to the body. This may change the taste of mother's milk, which, in turn, may not like the baby. Therefore, overdoing with sesame is definitely not worth it.

The recommended dose of sesame should not be more than one teaspoon fordays. Only with a strict dosage the body can get the maximum amount of necessary substances. Therefore, buying a lot of sesame seeds at once is not worth it.

Note! If the seeds are stored for too long, their taste may acquire a sour taste. And this may adversely affect the quality of the product.

Recommendations for selection

When buying sesame seeds, it is important to pay attention to some recommendations:

 Sesame Selection Guidelines

  1. High quality sesame can be identified by the appearance of the product. Good seeds should be dry, easy to crumble, and there should be no mold on the surface.
  2. Before buying you should check the taste of sesame. Good seeds should not have a bitter taste. If bitterness is still present, it means that the plant has undergone chemical treatment.
  3. If a nursing woman decides to buy sesame oil, you should definitely make sure that it is fresh and has a normal shelf life.
  4. You should not buy a large amount of sesame immediately, otherwise the product may deteriorate and it will have a sour taste.
  5. To preserve the quality of the product for a long time,seeds are best kept in a glass jar with a sealed lid. The temperature in the room where sesame is stored should not be too warm - it is better to cool.

Many buyers are used to seeing only one type of sesame on the shelves of their supermarkets - white. However, black, brown and red varieties of this plant are also known in nature. At the same time, the darker the fruits of sesame, the greater the number of useful properties of the plant. Nutritionists advise women during lactation to turn their attention to the black type of sesame.

Video: healing properties of sesame

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